Opening a job on the Connect+ Series, SendPro P

Open a job to access the saved settings within that job.
Products affected: Connect+® 500W, Connect+® 1000, Connect+® 2000, Connect+® 3000, SendPro® P1000, SendPro® P1500, SendPro® P2000, SendPro® P3000

Open a job to access the saved settings within that job.

  1. Select the Open a job tab on the Run Mail screen, or select the Jobs button on the Home screen. The Jobs screen will appear with a list of available jobs.
  2. Select the job you wish to open. Up to five jobs can be open at one time.
  3. Select OK. A tab for the job will open on the Run Mail screen.

Jobs can also be opened using the optional Barcode Scanner using barcodes setup with the job name inside.

UPDATED: 20 January 2023

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