Adding or removing an envelope ad (logo) or postal inscription on the mailstation series

Learn how to add or remove envelope ads or postal inscriptions on the mailstation or mailstation2.
Products affected: mailstation™, mailstation2™
You can print a message, slogan or logo (ad) directly on any piece of mail from your meter.

Learn how to add or remove an ad or inscription when printing postage by selecting from the following options:
  1. Identify ads (logos) or postal inscriptions
  2. Add or remove an ad or postal inscription
  3. Create or change your preset
Identify ads (logos) or postal inscriptions

Envelope Ads and Inscriptions are optional printing elements that may be added beside the meter stamp; such as:
Standard Ads and Endorsements:
  • Par Avion
  • Parcel Post
  • Time Sensitive
  • Please Open Immediately 
  • Recycle
  • Season's Greetings
Postal Inscriptions:
  • Priority
  • First Class

meter inscriptions and ads

Add or remove an ad using your meter:
  1. Press Menu
  2. Press Review(down) until the display says Change Ad?
  3. Press Enter/Yes. The current ad (if any) is listed.
  • To add an ad:
    1. Press Review(down) until the display shows the ad you want
    2. Press Enter/Yes. A message confirms your choice, and the display returns to the Main screen
  • To remove an ad:
    • Press Review(down) until the display shows None
    • Press Enter/Yes. A message confirms your choice, and the display returns to the Main screen
In order for the ad to be added or removed permanently, these settings need to be saved as a new preset. See How to create a preset on the mailstation and mailstation2 for details.
Add or remove a postal inscription using your meter:
  1. Press Menu
  2. Press Review(down) until the display shows Change Postal Inscription?
  3. Press Enter/Yes
  4. To add a postal inscription:
    • Press Review(down) until the display show the inscription you want
    • Press Enter/Yes. A message confirms your choice, and the display returns to the Main screen
  5. To remove a postal inscription:
    • Press Review(down) until the display shows None
    • Press Enter/Yes. A message confirms your choice, and the display returns to the Main screen

Add or remove an ad or inscription using PC Meter Connect:
  1. Open the PC Meter Connect desktop application
  2. Select My Meter
  3. Select Meter Settings
  4. Select Ads & Inscriptions
  5. Select the desired meter add with the Envelope Ads drop-down
  6. Select the desired meter Inscription with the Inscription drop-down
  7. Select Apply
Create or change your preset

In order for the inscription to be added or removed permanently, these settings need to be saved as a new preset. See How to create a preset on the mailstation and mailstation2 for details.

UPDATED: January 03, 2023