"Error 403 You do not have permission to perform the requested action" message in SendPro Online or on the SendPro 300

If you see the message "Error 403 ou do not have permission to perform the requested action" in SendPro Online or on the SendPro 300, the email address you are logging in with does not have access to the system.
Products affected: SendPro® Online, SendPro® 300


When trying to sign in to SendPro Shipping, the following error message appears:

You do not have permission to perform the requested action.

Please check permissions.

Here are some things to try.

Check for typos and try again.

Error 403.

403 error.


The email address you are using to sign in does not have access to the SendPro Online service.


If you are the SendPro Online account holder, please contact us.

If you are an invited SendPro Online or PitneyShip sub-user, contact your SendPro Online Administrator.

UPDATED: October 03, 2023