DeviceHubv1.10.24.54.exe is not commonly downloaded error message displays when installing DeviceHub

If your printer is not listed in PitneyShip or PitneyShip Pro, follow these steps.
Products affected: SendPro® Online powered by PitneyShip® Pro


Error message "DeviceHubv1.10.24.54.exe is not commonly downloaded, make sure you trust DeviceHubv1.10.24.54 Before you open it" displays when attempting to download DeviceHub, from the PitneyShip website prior to installation.


Devicehub is being incorrectly filtered out by Windows defender as a potential threat and is requesting the installer to trust the download and install it.


  1. Hover cursor over the error message and click the three dots, then click Keep.
  2. Click Show More.
  3. Click Keep Anyway.

This will save the installer to your downloads folder. Installation can then be carried out as normal. Admin rights are required for installation.

UPDATED: 11 October 2023