Reprinting a refill receipt report on the Connect+ Series, SendPro P

The refill receipt report provides detailed information on the last postage refill performed on your system.
Products affected: Connect+® 500W, Connect+® 1000, Connect+® 2000, Connect+® 3000, SendPro® P1000, SendPro® P1500, SendPro® P2000, SendPro® P3000

The refill receipt report provides detailed information on the last postage refill performed on your system.

To print a copy of the refill receipt report:

  1. Select Reports from the Home screen.
  2. Select Refill Receipt.
  3. Select Start to print the receipt on an envelope, or select Tape to print the receipt on a tape.

If you misplaced your receipt or did not print it, you can reprint the receipt for your last postage refill. This receipt duplicates the receipt printed at the time of the refill and includes the following:

  • Refill date: date and time of the refill
  • Postage in meter before refill: postage funds available for processing before the refill was performed
  • Refill amount: amount of the refill
  • Postage in meter after refill: postage funds available for processing after the refill was performed
  • Prepaid balance: amount of funds remaining in your PB Postage account
  • Purchase Power available: the amount of funds in your Purchase Power account
  • PbP Account Number: your PB Postage account number
  • Meter number: the serial number of the internal meter
  • Meter name: This field is blank
  • Printed: date and time the report gets printed.

UPDATED: 26 May 2022

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