"Problem with the Feeder" message on the SendPro C Auto

If you see the message Problem with the Feeder, an envelope or label may be stuck in the transport deck.
Products affected: SendPro® C Auto (7H30A, R7H30A)


If an envelope jams in your device feeder, the message "Problem with the Feeder" appears.


This issue is usually caused by a jam in the feeder.

Jam in feeder section


  1. Open the feeder cover.
    Feeder cover open
  2. Lift up on the jam release lever and move it to the left until it clicks into place.
    Jam release lever, unlock position
  3. Pull the envelope slightly to the left, then out the front.
  4. Move the jam release lever back to its original position and close the feeder cover.
  5. Load the mail stack properly on the feed deck.
  6. Make sure the moistener setting lever is in the right position for your envelopes.
  7. Tap Start to continue.

UPDATED: 29 February 2024

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