Resolve OCR-A font changing to a different font when printing presorted pieces in PBFirst

Learn how to resolve the OCR-A font changing to a different font on parts of the PDF when printing presorted pieces in PBFirst.
Products affected: PBFirst™


After importing PDF files into PBFirst PD and going through the Postal code/Presort/Print overcount, when printing the presorted pieces some of invoices that use OCR-A font change to Arial or a different font.


The PDF is using IDAutomationOCRa type "TrueType" instead of IDAutomationOCRa (Embedded Subset) type "1".


The PDF document font needs to be changed to use IDAutomationOCRa (Embedded Subset) type "1".

To view the document font:
  1. Open the PDF file.
  2. Right-click on the PDF file and select Document Properties.
  3. Select the Fonts tab.
  4. Compare the fonts in the document to the fonts in another document that does not have the problem.
  5. If the fonts are different, change the document to use the same font as one that does not have the problem. The file's creator will need to change it in the original file.
If this does not resolve the issue, contact software support.

UPDATED: April 28, 2023