Smart Access Management Release Notes version 1.67.0 (12 October 2023)

Smart Access Management Release Notes for version 1.67.0 (12 October 2023)
Products Affected: Smart Access Management®

New Features & Enhancements

Visitor data can now be exported by visitor type

The Data Management screen now allows for visitor data to be exported, filtered by visitor type. Exported data will be deleted after 7 days.

Mobile sign-in process now allows a visitor to sign out

When visitors sign in using a mobile web browser the final step will display a Sign Out button.

Date format changed

Dates are now displayed as DD/MM/YYYY instead of DD-MM-YYYY.

Issues Fixed

SMS templates - data field options were missing

This has been resolved with a frontend code fix.

When configuring an SMS notification some options were missing from the Insert Variable Data Field menu. Now the same options are available for both SMS and Email notifications.

The Data Management page was displaying pre-registered visitors’ statuses incorrectly

This has been resolved with a frontend code fix.

When a pre-registered visitor’s document had been approved, the Data Management page was incorrectly displaying the visitor’s status as Denied.

The Plans & Subscription page was missing from the menu

This has been resolved with frontend and backend code fixes.

Subscription plan options can now be viewed by selecting the User menu > Plans & Subscriptions > Plan Options.

The document upload link in email notification was not working

The Click here to Upload Required Documentation link sent to pre-registered visitors was not working beyond the QR Code Refresh Interval value configured for the site.

Expiry dates were incorrectly assigned to pre-registered visitors’ documents

Uploaded documents are no longer automatically assigned an expiration date.

UPDATED: 16 October 2023

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