Smart Access Management Release Notes version 1.74.0 (7 February 2024)
New Features & Enhancements
Enhanced the Evacuation Order process
When starting the Evacuation Order process from either the web or mobile apps, signed-in visitors and staff are now notified by both SMS and email.
When an Evacuation Order is in progress a red banner will be displayed at the top of web pages and the mobile app.
Email notifications support more variables
Two new variables Visitor Photo and Visitor Organization are now available when configuring email notifications.
Enhanced staff sign-in workflows
Staff sign-in workflows now include a Health and Safety Instructions to match visitor sign-in workflows.
Improved the Document Upload interface
Removed the Cancel button from all document approval screens.
The Request New Document Upload button now only appears when at least one document has been denied.
Added a Terms and Conditions prompt to the kiosk and mobile apps
Terms and Conditions must now be reviewed and accepted when using the kiosk and mobile apps for the first time.
Changed the kiosk app icon label
The label of the kiosk app icon has changed from Smart Access Management to Kiosk App.
Issues Fixed
Kiosk visitors could not skip past health and safety sign-in questions
Health and safety sign-in questions configured as optional were incorrectly forcing visitors for responses. These optional questions no longer force the visitor for a response.
Visit data exported to CSV did not include time values
Now the exported CSV file includes time values for sign in and out events.
Time values exported to CSV were not in the correct time zone
Time values now reflect the time zone where the activity (e.g. sign in / out) occurred.
Uploaded documents were not correctly displayed in the Document Management screen
This issue affected users in the New Zealand region only. Documents uploaded by visitors could not be properly viewed in the Document Management screen. Now documents can be viewed properly.
UPDATED: 13 February 2024