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Enable changes to your documents like bills and other customer communications without interrupting your core systems.
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Add security to the mailing process by adding barcodes to documents to ensure the right pages are placed into the right envelope.
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Access mailing features like address correction, Move Update, ACS, Mail tracking and grouping.
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Consolidate and centralize mail production from across your organization, including remote employees.
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Automate distribution: Send printed communications via regular mail, electronic certified mail or overnights in an automated process.


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Easily adapt your documents

Works with virtually any system you have in place, even older mainframes, so you’re in control of changes to your documents.
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Reduce mailing costs

Correct addresses, update moves, reduce undelivered mail, and even group mail going to the same recipients or households.
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Ensure accuracy

A barcode is added to confirm the right documents end up in the right envelope as well as mailed to the right person by establishing business rules for page breaks.
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Send less paper

Reduce the number of pages you print by selecting only the relevant content for each customer, eliminate inserts by using white space on documents, and easily convert print to email or digital delivery.
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Work from home

Remote workers can securely “print” to the corporate mailroom, where automation can aggregate many small jobs into efficient production runs, while saving a copy for compliance.
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Close the loop

Directly integrated with File Based Processing to validate every piece was processed and is complete to ensure a complete audit trail.

A Client Success Story

Find out why outsourced services solution provider Agency Assist turned to Pitney Bowes when it needed assistance keeping up with the volume of mailings it produces.