Error Code: 04184200B3, How to resolve on the Connect+ 500W, Connect+ 1000 and more

Learn how to resolve error code 04184200B3 on the Connect+ 500W, Connect+ 1000, Connect+ 2000, and Connect+ 3000.
Products affected: Connect+ 500W®, Connect+ 1000®, Connect+ 2000®, and Connect+ 3000®


The Connect+® displays error code 0418-42-00B3 and will not print.


The printer experienced an error.


Follow these steps to clean the print head:
  1. Press the green house on the top of the screen to return to the home screen
  2. Select Settings
  3. Select Hardware
  4. Select Printer
  5. Select the Print head tab
  6. Select the Clean... button. Print head cleaning takes approximately one minute. A progress bar indicates the cleaning status.
  7. Once the cleaning process is complete, you will be prompted to Print a test sample.
If your issue is not resolved, contact customer support from 8 am to 8 pm Eastern Time. Have your model number ready.

UPDATED: 14 August 2021