Adding a cost account in SendPro Mailstation

Cost Accounts help you keep track of your postage spend. You can create and assign cost accounts to all of your mailings and shipping labels.
Products affected: SendPro® Mailstation

Cost Accounts help you keep track of your postage spend. You can create and assign Cost Accounts to all your mailing and shipping labels. In order to add a cost account, you first need to enable them. See Enabling cost accounting.

Go to PitneyShip Pro to add cost accounts. See Adding a cost account in PitneyShip Pro.

Important: When you add accounts in PitneyShip, you must sync the accounts to your device in one of these ways:

  • Reset your device by holding the power button.
  • Do nothing, and the device will sync every four hours.

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UPDATED: 24 July 2024