Weighing, rating and counting mail without printing postage on the SendPro MailCenter 1000, 2000, and 3000

If your meter uses accounting, you can create a job to weigh, rate and count mail without printing postage.
Products affected: SendPro® MailCenter 1000, SendPro® MailCenter 2000, SendPro® MailCenter 3000

If your meter uses accounting, you can create a job to weigh, rate and count mail without printing postage. The weighing and rating information, as well as the piece count, will be included in accounting reports.

  1. Select the Run Mail button in the Mailing tile on the Home screen.
  2. Select the Options button.
  3. Select Create new job....
  4. Select Weigh-Rate-Count.
  5. Select OK. The job appears in a new job tab.
  6. Select the appropriate counter and then select OK.
    • Total - Weigh-Rate-Count: total number of pieces for the current job.
    • Resettable - Weigh-Rate-Count: the total number of pieces run since you reset the counter.
  7. Select an account.
  8. If necessary, select a surcharge.
  9. Select the appropriate class, carrier, or special services.
  10. Select Start to begin feeding and counting envelopes.
  11. If you want to save this job, select Save as.
  12. Enter the new job name and select OK.

UPDATED: 15 April 2024