Adding location data to your records in StreetSweeper Pro

Using Geosmart, you can add latitude, longitude, and a time zone to each record in your database. Latitude and longitude are at the postal code level and represent the centroid (most central point) of the postal code.
Products affected: StreetSweeper® Pro

Using Geosmart, you can add latitude, longitude, and a time zone to each record in your database. Latitude and longitude are at the postal code level and represent the centroid (most central point) of the postal code.

  1. For the most accurate results, it is recommended that you run Correction/Validation or Validation on your database prior to adding location data.
  2. Select Address Tools > Geosmart.
  3. Select Process.
  4. StreetSweeper Pro will return to the Database View during and after processing. To view results, scroll to the right of the database until you see the fields GEO_LATITUDE, GEO_LONGITUDE and GEO_TIMEZONE.
  5. Location data can be exported by selecting File > Export File and choosing the fields you wish to keep in your database.

UPDATED: 04 January 2024