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Six ways to connect with millennials

Surprise! Millennials still respond to direct mail — as long as you meet their changing needs

While the millennial generation may be tech-savvy, direct mail marketing is still a surprisingly effective way to reach them. In fact, 90 percent of millennials think direct mail advertising is reliable, and 57 percent have made purchases based on direct mail offers.1 To engage millennial consumers, though, you’ll need to go beyond traditional direct mail techniques. Here’s what you can do


1. Know who they are. Millennials are often thought of as kids still dependent on their parents. However, members of this demographic group are currently aged 19 to 36. More than half of older millennials are married now, and about half have children.2 That means they have adult concerns and priorities — and the consumer spending power to match.

Millenials value

2. Understand their values. Happiness, transparency, sharing and discovery3 are important to millennials. And that’s not just lip service: 89 percent of millennials say they’re more likely to buy from companies that support solutions to specific social issues, and 64 percent say they would rather make $40,000 a year doing a job they love than $100,000 a year at a job they think is boring.4

Envelope printed on recycled paper

3. Make a connection. Once you gain a better understanding of millennials, the next step is to link your messaging, brand and offers to their values, when appropriate. If, for example, a percentage of your sales benefits a cause or nonprofit organization, say so. If your direct mail piece is made with recycled or biodegradable products, say so5  — and include a reminder to recycle it or share it with a friend once it’s been read.

Woman with lense

4. Integrate print and online.6 Millennials may be receptive to direct mail, but they are, at heart, digital natives (they have an average 7.1 devices).7That means your direct mail pieces need to connect to online sources where millennial consumers can get more information, respond, place orders and share.8 You can also enhance your mailpiece with Augmented Reality, digital, interactive elements devised for mobile devices and tablets.

millenials looking at pictures

5. Make your message compelling. Millennials tend to be visual learners, so use both design and colour to make your direct mail ads stand out. In particular, use images to illustrate how your service or product will make their lives easier.9


Women discussing

6. Let loose a little. If it’s in keeping with your brand, use humour to get your message across. After all, comedy is the genre millennials watch most on television and online.10

There’s more!  Learn about multi-channel communications, six things that will delay your packages, guaranteed,  and the types of events that happen in your business when technology can make all the difference.  


1,8 “Don’t Hide in the Bushes: How to Use Direct Mail to Target Millennials,” Tim Hickle, PERQ, October 28, 2013
2 Inside the Millennial Mind: The Do’s & Don’ts of Marketing to This Powerful Generation,” Patrick Spencer,, April 16, 2014
3,7 “Content Marketing Among Millennials: Best Practices,” Yahoo!, DigitasLBi, razorfish, tumblr
4 “11 Facts About the Millennial Generation,” Fred Drews, Brookings, June 2, 2014
5 “Direct Mail Marketing to Millennials,” Wes Powell, TMR Direct, November 7, 2014
6 “The DM Train to Engagement Land,” Allison Schiff, Direct Marketing News, October 1, 2013
9 “Top 5 Tips for Inspiring the Visual Millennial,” Jerra Nalley, Target Marketing, November 15, 2013
10 “Report: Millennials Stream Comedies, Generation X DVRs Dramas & Other Generational Viewing Generalizations,” Sara Bibel, zap2it, January 20, 2015

© Pitney Bowes 2015.  All rights reserved.

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