Learn about email notifications in SendPro

Learn how the automated email notifications in SendPro help senders and recipients track shipments and know when they’ve been delivered.

UPDATED: 27 July 2016

SendPro™ automated email notifications can help senders and recipients alike track shipments and know when they’ve been delivered. You can also get notified when a label refund has been issued.

Shipping notifications
SendPro has two shipping-related notifications. You can set these to be sent to recipients or senders (or both).

  • Tracking Number Email. Email a tracking number for each new shipping label automatically. You can customize the email’s subject line, and see a preview of what these emails will look like.
  • Shipment Delivery Email. Email a delivery confirmation for each new shipping label automatically. You can customize the email’s subject line, and see a preview of what these emails will look like.

Refund notifications
Provide an email address for receiving shipping label refund confirmations. Each time a label refund is credited to your postage balance, a confirmation email is sent to let you know about it.

Simplify notifications by using the Address Book
Just remember that your notifications require a valid email address so SendPro knows where to send them. If you use the Address Book you can easily save email addresses whenever you’re adding or importing new addresses.