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Find out how shipping impacts your bottom line.  

Is your mailroom in manual mode?

This can mean lengthy searches for a missing item that was supposedly delivered. Spending hours charging back shipping costs to clients. And spending more on shipping than necessary. 

If you’re looking to eliminate time-consuming manual processes and inefficiencies, let’s talk.

We’re so sure you can save time and money with our Shipping Solutions, we will give you a Tile Mate Bluetooth Key Finder just for listening.

Schedule a quick call with us now and see how you can:

  • Reduce shipping spend by up to 40 percent. Identify the most cost-effective shipping options. One firm saved $50,000 per year.
  • Switch to electronic records. Use Electronic Return Receipts to cut costs nearly in half on USPS Certified Mail®.
  • Improve visibility on delivery status. Track documents electronically. Gain visibility, precision and eliminate lost green cards.
  • Automate chargebacks. Reduce processing time by 80 - 90 percent by automating chargebacks of shipping expenses to the appropriate client matter number.
  • Maintain chain of custody. Gain transparency by electronically logging in the date and time of incoming documents.

Book a call today.