Setting up your FedEx account on the SendPro Tablet

Learn how to set up your FedEx account on the SendPro Tablet.
Products affected: SendPro® Tablet

Only users with the role of Admin can perform this procedure. The user who signs up for SendPro® Shipping will have the role of Admin.

In order to use the FedEx carrier on the SendPro Tablet, you need to set up your FedEx account:

  1. From the home screen, tap SendPro Shipping.
  2. Tap the Settings (gear) icon in the upper right.
  3. Tap Carriers.
  4. Tap the Add button next to FedEx.
  5. Fill in your FedEx account details.
  6. (Optional) To automatically fill in your account information, tap the Scan Invoice button and use the tablet's camera to take a picture of your FedEx invoice.
  7. Accept the terms & conditions/agreement.
  8. Tap the Add Carrier button.

To add another FedEx account:

  1. From the home screen, tap SendPro Shipping.
  2. Tap the Settings (gear) icon in the upper right.
  3. Tap Carriers.
  4. Tap Add Account under FedEx.

To edit an existing FedEx account:

  1. From the home screen, tap SendPro Shipping.
  2. Tap the Settings (gear) icon in the upper right.
  3. Tap Carriers.
  4. Tap the Manage button next to FedEx.

UPDATED: August 14, 2021