Installing Business Manager Carrier Class and Fees (CCF) USPS rate updates

The USPS July 14, 2024 rate change is pricing only. There will not be a new CCF. The latest CCF file is version 075.
Products affected: Business Manager

2024 Rate Change

The USPS July 14, 2024 rate change is pricing only.  There will not be a new CCF.  The latest CCF file is version 075.

Update your Carrier Class and Fees (CCF) files

If you are installing Business Manager for the first time, follow these instructions to update your CCF files using the option appropriate for your configuration:

Version 8.x and later: Option 1: Update using IntelliLink Desktop

  1. Close Business Manager.
  2. If you chose to receive updates automatically, you see a prompt at the bottom of your screen.
  3. Click on the icon, or open the IntelliLink Desktop app.
  4. Click Install when you see CCF 075.
  5. Business Manager opens the CCF import screen and imports the files.
  6. When the import is complete, click Close. IntelliLink indicates a successful installation.

Version 8.x and later: Option 2: Update without using IntelliLink Desktop

  1. Close Business Manager.
  2. Download and unzip the file; extract it to a folder for your new rates files using the link in Help links.
  3. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the Carrier Class Files you downloaded.
  4. Double-click on LaunchImportCCF_075_US.bat.
  5. Business Manager opens the CCF import screen and imports the files.
  6. When the import is complete, click Close.

Meter Clients running Business Manager version 7.x or earlier

If you have a SendPro P or SendPro C meter, follow the steps in this section. 

  1. Open Windows Explorer to view the files from your downloaded location.
  2. Double-click the RateChange.bat file.
  3. Navigate to C:\ and open the log file RateChange.txt.
    • The log displays several lines confirming the database updates and that the batch file ran successfully.
    • Skip to Update the Carrier Class Fee (CCF) Files for Business Manager below. Note: If there is no RateChange.txt file or it contains an error (for example, Login failed for user 'sa'), skip to step 5.
  4. Copy RateChange.bat and RateChange.sql from your download location to the root of the C:\ drive.
  5. If the SQL login used by Business Manager is not set to the default, edit RateChange.bat with the correct username and password. For assistance with this step, chat with Pitney Bowes support or your IT department.
  6. Double-click RateChange.bat on C:\ and check the RateChange.txt log again. If there is no RateChange.txt file or it contains an error, chat with Pitney Bowes support or your IT department for assistance.

Applying the Carrier Class Fee (CCF) rate change for Business Manager version 7.x or earlier

  1. Contact Pitney Bowes Support for the latest CCF files to support v7.x, then follow steps 2-9. 
  2. In the Business Manager Admin Module, select Parameters > Configuration > Carriers, Classes, and Fees > Import CCF Files. The Carriers / Class / Fee Import screen is displayed.
  3. In the CCF File extension field, type 075.
    business manager fee import screen
  4. Click the Browse button next to the Path to CCF files Directory field.
  5. Navigate to the location where the Pitney Bowes Carrier Class Fee files are located and click OK. Note: The individual files are not displayed; only the directory is displayed.
  6. Click the Confirm button at the bottom of the screen. The system imports the CCF files.
  7. When the import is complete, the message Data Import Succeeded appears in the Import Processing section of the window. Click Close at the bottom of the screen.
  8. The Carrier Class Fee update procedure is complete for the Business Manager Host computer.
  9. Repeat steps 1-8 at each additional Host computer. If you have a SendPro P meter, repeat steps 1 - 6 in the SendPro P Meter Clients section above for each additional Host computer. You may repeat the steps in the SendPro P Meter Clients section or this section; the order does not matter.

UPDATED: July 02, 2024