How to use the manual feed operation on the DI500 and DI600

Learn how to use the manual feed operation on the DI500 and DI600.
Products affected: DI500™ and DI600™
Use the following list as a guide for the manual feed operation:
  • C Fold - feed the set face up, top first
  • Single Fold-  feed the set face down, bottom first
  • Double Fold - feed the set face up, top first
NOTE: The machine automatically selects the fold type (Single, C, or Double fold) based on the envelope depth and sheet length.

Follow these steps to run the material:
  1. Set the manual feeder side guides to control the sets to be fed. Note: These guides are self- centering.
  2. Feed a set of material gently into the manual feeder until the machine automatically starts and grabs it. A trial piece is automatically produced.
  3. When the message Trail Piece OK? displays, do one of the following.
  • If the trial piece is okay, select Yes. The machine will remember the settings and automatically process more manually fed sets. 
  • If the address is slightly out of position, or the fold panel length needs adjusting, select No. Follow the on-screen instructions to correct the problem and run another trial piece.
Note: If 20 seconds passes between manual feed operations, when the next set is fed, you will get a prompt to confirm that the current setup is okay.
Note: The manual feed settings are lost once a pre-programmed job definition is selected or a SwiftStart™ is operated.

UPDATED: August 14, 2021