Performing End of Day in SendPro Enterprise

Learn how to perform End of Day in SendPro Enterprise.
Products affected: SendPro® Enterprise

Some carriers require electronic manifest details to be sent to them, such as USPS for ERR shipments. This is completed using the End of Day app. The app is typically provided to supervisor level users. If you do not see the app, check with a supervisor or SendPro Enterprise system administrator.

Note: Some carriers require same-day uploads of manifested shipment data in order to fulfill delivery commitments and service level agreements (USPS Electronic Certified with Return Receipt, for example). Failure to ensure successful daily uploads of shipping manifest data may result in undelivered items, an inability to trace items, missing proof of delivery, or other issues.

Important: USPS ERR requires manifested data to be transmitted within 3 days of an article's shipping date. If you see failed transmissions of ERR data more than 3 days old, contact us immediately.

  1. Open the EoD App.
  2. From the Select a Carrier menu, select the desired carrier.
  3. From the Select Account menu, select the desired carrier account.
  4. If you only have one day to close, click Close in the right column to run End of Day for that record, then proceed to step 6.
  5. If you are running the end of day for multiple days, select the box in the left column for each day you wish to close, then select Close All Selected.
  6. Under Status Updates, click the Refresh button to refresh the status view. Find the record that says Finished for the date you processed.
    • If the row is green, the End of Day process was successful.
    • If the row is yellow, the process failed. If it failed, try again. If it continues to fail, chat with us.
  7. (Optional) Print the documents:
    • To print all documents for the day, select Print All Documents on that record.
    • To print individual reports, select the + sign to the right to view all available reports.
    • To print the reports from a previous day, enter that date in the date field and select Refresh.
  8. Refresh the list:
    • Use the Date field to view status updates from a specific date.
    • Select Clear to refresh the list and show the today's documents at the top.

SendPro enterprise end of day process

UPDATED: October 11, 2023