"Error message: Your label did not print. Please verify your printer configuration and if this persists, please consult with an Administrator" when printing a label in SendPro Enterprise

If this error occurs, the HubCapp settings may need to be changed.
Products affected: SendPro® Enterprise


When printing a label, the message "Error message: Your label did not print. Please verify your printer configuration and if this persists, please consult with an Administrator" appears.


The HubCapp settings may need to be changed.


Change the HubCapp settings as follows:

  1. Open HubCapp Peripheral agent.
  2. Expand System Tray.
  3. Right-click on the HubCapp icon.
  4. Select Configure.
  5. Open the Labels tab.
  6. Scroll down to label.
  7. Clear the Specific Printer and Printer Format fields.
  8. Scroll up and click Save.
  9. Close the HubCapp configuration page.
  10. Try to reprint the label.

If you need further assistance, please contact us.

UPDATED: March 11, 2022