Stretched or distorted screens in SendSuite Tracking

Learn how to resolve stretched or distorted screens in SendSuite Tracking.
Products affected: SendSuiteĀ® Tracking 11.7 and higher


Newly copied or created screens in Designer appear stretched or distorted in the Smart Client.


With the release of SendSuite Tracking 11.7, new or copied screens may not display properly when viewed in the Smart Client. This is likely linked to an issue first introduced in 11.4 where (depending on the screen resolution applied where Designer was used) areas of a screen viewed in the Smart Client were cut off after it had been created or modified then saved in Designer. Partial resolutions for this original issue have been included with the 11.6 and 11.7 releases. Complete resolution is under review.


Before saving a new or copied screen in Designer, move the vertical scroll bar to the top and the horizontal scroll bar to the left before saving. Failure to move the bars to their default positions before saving will introduce the problem. Once introduced, the condition cannot be corrected and a new screen must be created.

UPDATED: April 08, 2021