Updating Intelligent Lockers software automatically with PBIL

You can update Intelligent lockers software via the PBIL web interface if The locker bank software is version 4.0 or later, and you are as user with Locker Bank – Full permissions.
Products affected: Intelligent Lockers, PBIL

You can update Intelligent Lockers software via the PBIL web interface if

  • The locker bank software is version 4.0 or later, and
  • You are as user with Locker Bank – Full permissions

Follow these steps to use PBIL Software Maintenance

  1. Sign in to PBIL.
  2. Click the Settings icon at the top and select Maintenance - Locker Banks. PBIL Settings icon
  3. Select the locker bank to be updated, then click Edit.
  4. Click Configure.
  5. Set an update type, then click Save.
    • Auto Update (default) uses the maintenance window to keep the software updated to the most current released version.
    • Scheduled Update updates the system to a specific version. The update will happen at the date and time selected.


  6. Click Maintenance Window, then set a day and time for the update to run.
  7. Click Save.

UPDATED: February 17, 2022