Detail Record Specifications for FTP files in TrackMyMail
Detail records are individual mail records. There is 1 detail record per IMb.
Column | Type | Max Size | Required / Optional |
Record Type | Char | 1 | Required |
Value must be "D" (Detail) | |||
CustomerUniqueIdentifier | Char | 20 | Required |
Postnet | Char | 11 | Required |
IMb | Char | 20 | Required |
Leftmost 20 characters, excludes Postnet | |||
Greeting | Char | 10 | Optional |
FirstName | Char | 10 | Optional |
MI | Char | 2 | Optional |
LastName | Char | 50 | Optional |
Suffix | Char | 10 | Optional |
FullName | Char | 100 | Optional |
Company | Char | 50 | Optional |
Title | Char | 50 | Optional |
Address1 | Char | 128 | Optional |
Address2 | Char | 128 | Optional |
City | Char | 50 | Optional |
State | Char | 2 | Optional |
Zip | Char | 11 | Optional |
UserDefined1 | Char | 100 | Optional |
UserDefined2 | Char | 100 | Optional |
UserDefined3 | Char | 100 | Optional |
TMM JobID | Numeric | 8 | Optional |
Required for special FTP uploads only | |||
UserDefinedNum1 | Numeric (Decimal) | 12 | Optional |
Max length may include up to 3 decimal places | |||
UserDefinedNum2 | Numeric (Decimal) | 12 | Optional |
Max length may include up to 3 decimal places | |||
UserDefinedDate1 | Char | 10 | Optional (YYYY/MM/DD) |
OriginIMb | Char | 31 | Optional |
InboundPostnet | Char | 11 | Optional |
Sample Detail Records
D,193784380,93401714021,00311000311012996179,,First,,Last 1,,First Last 1,,,123 BULLOCK LN,,SAN LUIS OBISPO,CA,93401714021,193784380,20 Group,,,,,,, D,193330902,90813272001,00311000311012996180,,First,,Last 2,,First Last 2,,,456 W 12TH ST,,LONG BEACH,CA,90813272001,193330902,20 Group,,,,,,, D,193338854,92504210010,00311000311012996181,,First,,Last 3,,First Last 3,,,789 STREETER AVE,,RIVERSIDE,CA,92504210010,193338854,20 Group,,,,,,, D,193344090,60618441943,00311000311012996182,,First,,Last 4,,First Last 4,,,321 N KIMBALL AVE,,CHICAGO,IL,60618441943,193344090,BOGO,,,,,,, D,193344672,28504,00311000311012996183,,First,,Last 5,,First Last 5,,,654 SPENCE TAYLOR RD,,KINGSTON,NC,28504,193344672,BOGO,,,,,,, D,193347152,30805342567,00311000311012996184,,First,,Last 6,,First Last 6,,,987 MURROW RD,,BLYTHE,GA,30805342567,193347152,BOGO,,,,,,, D,193347513,44108192363,00311000311012996185,,First,,Last 7,,First Last 7,,,123 SAINT CLAIR AVE,,CLEVELAND,OH,44108192363,193347513,BOGO,,,,,,, D,193349647,91403554762,00311000311012996186,,First,,Last 8,,First Last 8,,,456 DICKENS ST,,SHERMAN OAKS,CA,91403554762,193349647,20 Group,,,,,,,
UPDATED: November 22, 2022