Importing contacts automatically on a schedule in PitneyShip Pro, PitneyShip Enterprise, PitneyTrack Inbound, PitneyAnalytics, and the Locker Management Module

You can import shared contacts into the system automatically on a fixed schedule from an SFTP server. Private contacts cannot be imported.
Products affected: PitneyShip™ Pro, PitneyShip™ Enterprise, PitneyTrack® Inbound, PitneyAnalytics™, ParcelPoint™ Smart Lockers Locker Management Module

Enterprise administrators can import shared contacts into the system automatically on a fixed schedule from an SFTP server. Private contacts cannot be imported.

The features and options you see may vary depending upon your role and subscription. If you have any questions regarding your permissions, please contact your administrator.

  1. Select Settings > Address Book.
  2. Select Import > Automatic Import.
  3. Select Download Template.
  4. Make sure that the format of your contact file matches the format of the template file.
    Important: The data columns must be in the same order as in the template.
  5. Select the Text Delimiter that is used in your file.
  6. Enter the SFTP File Path, Server URL, Username, and Password.
  7. Select the Test Access button to test the connection.
  8. Select Notifications.
  9. Enter the email address(es) you want to be notified if the import fails.
  10. Select Schedule.
  11. Select the Days and Time you wish the import to occur.
  12. Select Merge or Replace Existing Contacts.
  13. Choose whether you want the import to merge contacts with the existing contacts in the address book, or overwrite and replace them.
  14. Select Continue.
  15. In the Configure Automatic Import window, match your CSV file fields in the Your CSV Fields column with the system's fields in the Address Book Fields column, then select Save Configuration.
  16. Select Import.

UPDATED: November 03, 2023