Setting up ERR Mail Merge options in PitneyShip Enterprise

You can set various options for ERR Mail Merge files, including file naming and whether to download coversheets along with the postage and barcodes.
Products affected: PitneyShip® Enterprise

You can set various options for ERR Mail Merge files, including file naming and whether to download coversheets along with images of the postage and barcodes.
ERR mail merge coversheet

The features and options you see may vary depending upon your role and subscription. If you have any questions regarding your permissions, please contact your administrator.

  1. Select Settings > ERR Mail Merge Options.
  2. To set these options only for specific divisions or locations, select Division or Location under Select Distribution, then select the desired division(s) or location(s). If you leave it set to Enterprise, the settings will apply to your entire organization (all divisions and locations).
    ERR mail merge options -- select distribution
  3. Under Select preferred output for ERR Image download, select whether you want to download .Postage & Barcodes (images), Coversheets (PDFs), or both.
    ERR mail merge options -- select output
  4. Under Set a prefix for your downloaded file name:
    ERR mail merge options -- select prefix
    • Custom Prefix: Enter any custom prefix you wish to add to the beginning of each of your mail merge files.
    • Default Prefix:  Select the prefix you wish to use for your mail merge files. The system defaults to Date and Tracking Number. You can also include the Reference 1 field if desired. In the image below, you can see an example containing the Custom Prefix "PB", the Default prefixes "Date" and "Tracking Number", and the optional "Reference 1" field.
      ERR Mail Merge output files showing prefixes
  5. Select Save.

UPDATED: July 10, 2024