Importing assets in PitneyTrack Inbound

You can export a list of assets or asset activity in CSV or PDF format.
Products affected: PitneyTrack® Inbound

You can import a list of assets or asset activity in CSV format.

The features and options you see may vary depending upon your role and subscription. If you have any questions regarding your permissions, please contact your administrator.

Important: A admin user must enable this feature to allow a user permission to import asset lists.

  1. Select Settings > Roles.
  2. Select the edit icon next to the role you wish to update.
    Edit icon
  3. Scroll to the Asset menu.
  4. Select the Import Asset check box.
  5. Select Save and Close.
  6. From the Asset menu, select Recent Activity.
  7. Select the Asset List tab.
  8. Select Import.
  9. Select Choose File and navigate to the CSV file you want to import. Alternatively, you can download a CSV template. Asset ID, Status and Site are mandatory fields in the CSV report.
    Note: The spelling and spacing in the Assigned To field must match a name of a contact in the Address Book.
  10. Select Import.
  11. Select Import Status to view the status of the last ten import files.

UPDATED: March 07, 2024