Printing a funds report gives you a record of postage funds available and used with your meter. Get instant details including: Funds Used, Funds Available, Serial Number, Postage By Phone® (PbP) account number and more.
Select your meter for instructions to print a funds report:
- mailstation™ and mailstation2™ (K700, K7M0)
- DM100i®, DM200L™, DM125™, DM225™ (PR00, P700, PRL1)
- DM300C™, DM400C, DM450™, DM475™ (G900, G910)
- Connect+® Series | SendPro® P Series
- SendPro 300 (PRZ0)
- SendPro® C | SendPro+® (2H00, 8H00)
UPDATED: June 10, 2021