Importing addresses into PitneyShip Pro and SendPro C/SendPro+

Learn how to import addresses into the Address Book in PitneyShip Pro. These addresses can also be used on the SendPro C/SendPro+.
Products affected: SendPro® and SendPro® Online powered by PitneyShip® Pro

You can use PitneyShip Pro to import addresses from other sources into your address book.

Addresses added in PitneyShip Pro are also visible on other SendPro products such as SendPro C/SendPro+ meters and SendPro P Series meters.

The PitneyShip Pro address book can hold an unlimited number of addresses. However, on SendPro C/SendPro+ and SendPro P Series meters, only 1000 addresses are visible.

  1. If you are importing addresses from another application, export/save those addresses as a .csv file. Make sure that your file meets the guidelines below.
  2. Select Settings > Address Book.
  3. Select Import.
  4. To use SendPro Online’s template to create your import file, select Download a .csv template. You can insert your addresses into this template, or copy the headers (first row) from this template into your own address file. The headers do not need to be all inclusive but must adhere to the guidelines below.
  5. Save your address file as a .CSV
  6. Once you have created your .csv file of addresses to import, select Choose File and navigate to your file.
  7. Select Continue. If you are replacing addresses you will also be asked to confirm your selection.
  8. The mapping screen appears. Match your address book fields on the left with the PitneyShip Pro address book fields on the right.
Note: If PitneyShip Pro could not automatically determine which field to map, the right side will say Ignore Field. Select the correct field from the drop down list if required. If you leave or choose Ignore Field, that field will not be imported.
  1. Select Continue to import your address data.


Address import guidelines and requirements

  • The first and last names must be in a single field called Name.
  • The order of the columns in the import file does not matter.
  • Because addresses must pass carrier validation when used in PitneyShip Pro, the following fields are required. You can import addresses that do not contain these fields, but before you can use them, they must be completed.
    • Full Name
    • Company Name
    • Street Address 1
    • City
    • County
    • Postal Code
    • Country (Include country field on all addresses. For domestic addresses enter United Kingdom).
  • You can use only fields that correspond to those available in PitneyShip Pro. You can not exceed the fields.

UPDATED: 05 October 2023