SendSuite Tracking version 12.9 Release Notes (January 19, 2019)

SendSuite Tracking Release Notes for version 12.9 (January 19, 2019).
Products affected: SendSuiteĀ® Tracking

New Features

This section describes the major new features or enhancements that are included in this release.

SendSuite Mobile. Improved Data Integrity.

SendSuite Mobile will now prohibit delivery of items not previously received. Users may fast-switch to a receiving format to receive an item then return to the delivery or manifest layout to complete the delivery workflow.

SendSuite Mobile. Delivery Record Quantity Constraint.

A setting (Max Delivery Count) has been added to the SendSuite Mobile app which allows a user to employ a safety measure to prevent accidentally delivering more than the intended number of packages. When the record count exceeds this value, the user will be issued a confirmation prompt.

SendSuite Link. Java Updated.

SendSuite Link is now at version 2.102.10. For new installations of SendSuite Link where Java is not already installed, the installer will install Java 8 Update 181 (1.8.0_191).

SendSuite Link. Vault Password.

With the release of SendSuite Link v2.102.10, the installer requires the user to provide a Vault Password. The value provided is used to encrypt the SQL login password in the Java Vault. This methodology is employed to avoid insecurely storing the SQL login password as plain text in the Standalone.xml file.

IMPORTANT: Beginning with SendSuite Tracking 12.4, SendSuite Link must be at the version released with SendSuite Tracking. Please do not attempt to use an earlier version of SendSuite Link with SendSuite Tracking.


IMPORTANT: Special Considerations

SendSuite Desktop Support

SendSuite Tracking 12.5 and higher is not compatible with any version of SendSuite Desktop.

Limited Support for Windows

Beginning with v12.8, Windows 7 is supported only as a client workstation. Windows 7 may no longer be used as the operating system for a stand-alone system.

SQL Server Version Requirement

Beginning with version 12.5, SQL 2012 and higher is required due to the employment of enhanced encryption algorithms.

UPDATED: 17 May 2021