Adding a user in Smart Access Management

You can add users to the system as needed.
Products Affected: Smart Access Management®

You can add users to the system as needed. There are two types of user:

  • Admin
  • User

An Admin has full permission to all features and functions.

A User has limited access which an Admin can define.

The maximum amount of users you can add is 9999.

Before adding a user, decide which role your user is going to have.

  1. Select Settings > Users.
  2. If required, you can use the Divisions and Locations menus to filter the user list.
  3. To filter the list, select the All Users menu.
    Filter users menu
  4. Select +Add User.
  5. Enter the user's name and email address.
  6. Select the Active radio button.
  7. Select the Admin Access Level you want the user to have.
    1. User: Access to one location only.
    2. Enterprise: All divisions and locations.
    3. Division: Access to one or more divisions within the enterprise.
    4. Location: Access to one or more locations within a division.
  8. Select either ADMIN or USER in the Assign Roles menu.
  9. Select Save and Close.
    The user will receive a welcome email message.

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UPDATED: 13 March 2024