Adding a Visitor Type in Smart Access Management

You can add Visitor Types so that different types of visitors and staff can sign in and follow a unique workflow for their visitor type.
Products Affected: Smart Access Management®

You can add Visitor Types so that different types of visitors and staff can sign in and follow a unique workflow for their visitor type.

Follow these instructions to add a Visitor Type.

  1. Before you begin
  2. Add a Visitor Type
  3. Set visitor time limits and sign out times
  4. Select the sign in method
  5. Customize the visitor type workflow
  6. Adding Notification Preferences
  7. Adding or editing the Visitor Label Settings
  8. Configuring the data retention policy
  9. Set the Visitor Type status

1-install Before you begin

You must decide what Visitor Types you want to add. You control the different Visitor Types but some examples of Visitor Types that you could add are:

  • Contractor
  • Courier
  • Meeting delegate
  • Job candidates

number-2 Add a Visitor Type

  1. Select Settings > Kiosk Workflows.
  2. Select VISITOR.
  3. Select Add Visitor Type.
    Add visitor type
  4. Add the visitor type you want to add in the Visitor Type field.
  5. Add the visitor type in the Display Name field. This is how it will appear on the tablet screen.
  6. Use the location menu to select where the visitor is allowed to sign in.

number-3 Set visitor time limits and sign out times

  1. Click the Set Default Visit Duration toggle if you want to set a time limit for the visitor to be present on your premises.
  2. The Visit Time Limit field appears. Set the time limit in minutes. You can notify the visitor, host and admin once the visit limit is reached using the Notifications section in this page.
  3. Click the Enable Auto Sign Out toggle if you want to automatically sign out all visitors for this visitor type at a given time. When you enable this, you can set the time to sign out these visitor types.

number-4 Select the sign in method

There are three ways a visitor can sign in on the tablet. Select the radio button you want for the visitor type:

  • Facial Recognition. The visitor must enter their phone number when facial recognition is used.
  • Phone Number.
  • Email.

number-5 Customize the visitor type workflow

You can now customize the workflow that you want for the visitor type. There are five fields that are available to customize:

  • Personal Information.
  • Select Host.
  • Health And Safety Instructions.
  • Required Documentation.
  • Confirmation.

You control what each of the five fields contain and whether or not they are enabled for the visitor type.

Tap each field and make edits using the edit icon or click Add Field.
Edit icon

The Select Host, Health And Safety Instructions and Required Documentation fields all contain a tick box where you can enable the Skip for returning visitor feature.

As you enable each field, they will appear on subsequent screens on the tablet as the visitor moves through the workflow.

number-6 Adding Notification Preferences

Add Notification Preferences to send visitor activity via email and SMS message.

You control who to send the notifications to. The choices are:

  • Admin users
  • Visitor hosts
  • Visitors
  1. Click Enable Email Notifications and / or Enable SMS Notifications.
  2. Select the desired notification tick box from each of the menus to choose which emails or SMS messages will be sent.

To add or edit a notification, please see Creating custom email and SMS notifications in Smart Access Management.

number-7 Adding or editing the Visitor Label Settings

You can add or edit the visitor label settings to add or remove visitor information from the printed label.

Use the Visitor Label Preview to help design the label.
Visitor label preview

  1. Click the Print Badge toggle to turn on badge printing.
  2. Tick the boxes to add the desired content to the badge. The choices available are:
    • Visitor Type.
    • Sign In Date and Time.
    • QR Code
    • Phone Number.
    • Host Name.
    • Email.
    • Organization Name.

number-8 Configuring the data retention policy

  1. Scroll to the Data Retention section.
  2. Select a value from the menu to determine how long you want to retain data for.
    Important: All data will be deleted. Once deleted, the data cannot be restored.

number-9 Set the Visitor Type status

You can set the visitor type status radio button to active or inactive. This is useful if you want to temporarily disable the visitor type.

Click Save to confirm your settings.

UPDATED: 13 March 2024