Enabling or disabling email and SMS notifications for evacuation orders in Smart Access Management

You can enable or disable customized notifications to inform signed in visitors and staff when an evacuation order has begun.
Products Affected: Smart Access Management®

You can enable or disable customized notifications to inform signed in visitors and staff when an evacuation order has begun.

The features and options you see may vary depending upon your role and subscription. If you have any questions regarding your permissions, please contact your administrator.

Important: Changes made here affect all locations.

  1. Select Settings > Notifications and Templates.
  2. Select the Edit Notification icon for Evacuation Started.
    Edit icon
  3. You can choose to send one or both of the Send Via methods (Email or SMS).
  4. Select the Active or Inactive option to determine whether or not the notification will be sent.
  5. Choose whether the notification will be sent immediately (recommended) or at a later time in the Action / Send Schedule menu.
  6. If necessary, select the desired language.
  7. In the E-mail Subject / SMS Intro field, enter or edit the subject line.
  8. Enter or edit the body of the message in the Message field. To insert dynamic text such as the recipient's name, select Insert Variable Data Field, then select the desired item.
  9. To see an example of how the message will look, select Preview Email / Preview SMS Text. Scroll down to see the preview. Select Preview Email or Preview SMS / Text again to close the preview.
  10. Select Save.

UPDATED: 11 March 2024