Strengthening Communities Through Volunteerism
Scroll through the page to read about the diverse ways our colleagues are making a difference worldwide.

In New Zealand, our staff filled 41 special Christmas shoeboxes on behalf of the Catalytic Foundation. Each child received something to love, something to play with, something for school, something to wear and essential items like toothbrush/toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner and body wash.

Our colleagues in Poland helped 19 seniors in need of support by providing care packages with food (juice, oil, jam, honey, tea, coffee, mayonnaise, pasta) and cleaning and personal care supplies (fabric softener, soap, dish soap, razors, hand lotion; and shaving foam or face cream)The team also included festive bags with sweets, Christmas cake, and fruits as well as a warm blanket and a new pot.

In addition, the Pitney Bowes Poland team supported Ukraine refugees by redeeming benefit coupons for vouchers and coupons to provide clothing, shelter, bedding, food, cleaning products, small appliances, kitchenware, first aid supplies and gifts for those in need through organizations such as The Care Center in Pewel Mała, which provided shelter to 170 orphans and single mothers from Ukraine, and, their local radio station, Radio Bielsko, which provides organized, legal delivery of products directly to the border or to Ukrainian soldiers.
United States

7 members of our IT team took to the great outdoors to mulch, plant, clean and paint the Julia Day Nursery in Ansonia, CT.

Pitney Bowes volunteers supported Ridgefield Playhouse’s literacy-based, one-hour workshops at Connecticut schools in our home office communities. Each student received their own copy of Charlotte's Web and read it in class in preparation for a live performance in the theater. Volunteers shared the importance of being a good reader and writer in their jobs, read a portion of the book to the class, supported students in writing their own description of a favorite animal, asked them to read their writing aloud, and offered positive feedback.

Our Marketing team gathered at Bartlett Arboretum in Stamford, Connecticut, to spruce up trails, weed and mulch, remove invasive species, and widen and add new crushed stone to a long pathway between the Arboretum’s Perennial Garden and Great Lawn.

Shelton, Connecticut, colleagues donated to Team Inc.’s Toys 4 Kids annual holiday drive, and fulfilled teachers’ wish lists for the Irving and Bradley Schools in Derby, Connecticut.

Colleagues from our Home Office location also volunteered to do a read-aloud recording of Reading Is Fundamental books. The videos are being shared with young readers in Stamford Public Schools to help them hone their reading skills by reading along with the videos.

Our Shelton colleagues collected and delivered hundreds of school supplies to students served by their local Boys & Girls Club.

Phoenix, Arizona, team members donated toys through Arizona Helping Hands.

Rancho Dominguez, California, team members adopted a family and fulfilled the wishes of five children and also collected toys for patients in the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.

Charlotte, North Carolina, volunteers conducted a two-week pencil and paper drive to help our local "Classroom Central," which collects school supplies and then allows local teachers to come shop for their classrooms for free.

Our colleagues in Levittown, Pennsylvania, partnered with the Salvation Army to provide families with gloves, socks, hats, scarves and family board games for local families in need.

Reading, Pennsylvania, team members donated food to their local food bank and provided toys for 216 children from 61 families.

Grand Prairie, Texas, colleagues donated food and toys for families in need during the holiday season through Mission of Arlington Metroplex.

Eight Pitney Bowes colleagues assembled 500 wellness packs for distribution to two centers serving young people in the region.Colleagues donated food to The River Food Pantry, the busiest Food Pantry in South Central Wisconsin, which serves more than 2,000 people each week.

Stamford, Connecticut, Orlando and Miami, Florida, and Las Vegas, Nevada, colleagues donated toys for children in their communities through Toys for Tots.