"We could not process your payment" message in PitneyShip Pro

Learn how to resolve the message "We could not process your payment" in PitneyShip Pro.
Products affected: Connect+® 500W, Connect+® 1000, Connect+® 2000, Connect+® 3000, SendPro® P1000, SendPro® P1500, SendPro® P2000, SendPro® P3000, SendPro® Online powered by PitneyShip® Pro


When attempting to add postage in PitneyShip Pro, the message "We could not process your payment" is displayed. 


This indicates that there are not enough funds available in the Pitney Bowes Reserve Account or Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Account (dependent on your country).


  • If the balance in your Reserve Account is less than the amount you are attempting to add in PitneyShip Pro, add funds to your Reserve Account.
  • If the available credit in your Purchase Power account is less than the amount you are attempting to add in SendPro, make a payment on your Purchase Power account, or request a Purchase Power credit limit increase. Click on this link to find out how- Purchase Power

UPDATED: 05 October 2023