Powering Up Higher Education with Commingling

In these uncertain times, educational institutions are grappling with unique mailing challenges. Pitney Bowes Presort Services sorts billions of pieces of mail annually, offering bespoke, economical solutions to meet your mailing needs.

With limited campus staff and resources, and varying mail volumes, your institution requires a flexible partner. Pitney Bowes is equipped to handle fluctuating volumes with cost-effective solutions for all your projects, letters, flats and small parcels.

Leveraging Commingled Marketing Mail

Marketing mail is vital for standing out to prospective students. Our commingling service reduces mailing costs and ensures timely delivery of your marketing materials.

Maintaining Engagement with Alumni and Athletic Groups


Despite the challenges of keeping in touch with alumni and athletic groups, our 350 sorters are ready to support your campaigns and ensure consistent communication.

Reducing Mailing Costs via Commingling

Commingling various mail classes, like First-Class Mail®, Marketing Mail®, and Bound Printed Matter Parcels, can significantly lower your mailing expenses.

For assistance with your mailing needs, engage with Pitney Bowes Presort Services. Visit pitneybowes.com for more information.