How to enter Canada Price Zone Codes for USPS Priority Mail International

UPDATED: 19 February 2016

Effective May 2015, USPS® Priority Mail International® mail sent to Canada is based on eight price zones (1 through 8). Due to this change, the Int Priority - Env/Pkg selection has been split:

  1. Env/Pkg CA - shipments to Canada
  2. Env/Pkg AOC - shipments to All Other Countries
    When selecting Env/Pkg CA the meter will ask for the single-digit price zone (1 through 8).

Canada Price Zone Lookup Tool - helps to locate the correct price zone to use for your origin Zip code.

Select your meter model for instructions to enter Canada Zone Codes:

Instructions for mailstation, mailstation2 (K700, K7M0)


  • Accepts single digit zones 1 through 8. Enter the single numeric digit and press Yes.
  • When entering a Postal Code (Note: Postal Codes begin with a letter), the minimum number of characters is 3. If only 1 or 2 characters are entered, “Invalid Zone” is displayed.
  • Will work with 3 to 5 characters entered
  • Will not work if you enter 6 characters; “Invalid Zip” is displayed. Press Clear/Back (C) to return to the ZIP/Zone entry screen.
  • Space is not an available character
  • You cannot enter more than six (6) characters

Screen sequence:

  1. Select Int Priority, Env/Pkg CA
  2. Type in a single digit Zone (1–8), or a three digit Postal Code, and press Yes
  3. Ready to print

Instructions for DM100, DM200, DM125, DM225 (P700, P7L1, PR00, PRL1)


  • Accepts single digit zones 1 through 8. Enter the single numeric digit and select “This is a Zone”.
  • When entering a Postal Code (Note: all Postal Codes begin with a letter), the minimum number of characters is 3
  • If you only enter one character it clears when you press Yes
  • If two characters are entered there is no key response
  • Will work with 3 to 5 characters entered
  • Space equals one character. Note: do not use spaces
  • Entering six (6) characters or more will not work - it will not advance beyond
  • this screen:  DESTINATION_L5C1C2 ABC
  • If you delete the sixth character, it will work unless you entered a space
  • If you did enter a space and then delete one character, all characters will be cleared once you press Yes, or “This is ZIP code”

Screen sequence:

  1. Depending on your meter model, at the Class prompt, select:
    1. P7xx and non-Lobby PR00/ PRL1: At the Class prompt select: US Intl, Int Priority, Env/Pkg CA  - OR -
    2. PR00 USPS Lobby Meter: DESTINATION_ABC
    3. At the Class prompt select: Intl, PM Intl, Package CA
    4. Type in the USPS Priority Mail International to Canada Price Zone Code (1–8) -OR- Type in the first three digits of the Canada destination Postal Code.
    5. Select Insurance or Done

Instructions for DM300c, DM400c, DM475


  • Accepts single digit zones, 1 through 8. Enter the single numeric digit and select, “This is a Zone”
  • When entering a Postal Code (Note: all Postal Codes begin with a letter), the minimum number of characters is 3. If you enter only 1 or 2 characters the meter displayd “Invalid Entry”.
  • Will work if you enter 3 to 5 characters
  • Will not work if you enter six (6) characters; your meter will display “Invalid Entry”
  • Do not use spaces
  • You cannot enter more than six (6) characters. If you delete the sixth character, it will work.

Screen sequence:

  1. Select: Env/Pkg CA
  2. Type in the USPS Priority Mail International
  3. Type in the first three digits of the Canada to Canada Zone Code (1–8) -OR- destination Postal Code
  4. Select This is a Zip Code / Select This is a Zone
  5. The meter is ready to print

Instructions for DM500 through DM1100


  • Accepts single digit zones, 1 through 8 only. Enter the single numeric digit and press Enter.
  • Alpha characters are not accepted
  • A space is not accepted
  • Type a 0 or 9 and the meter displays, Invalid zone. Try again.

Screen sequence:

  1. Select: USPS Intl, Priority Mail, Env/Pkg CA
  2. Enter a single digit price zone (1–8)
  3. Press Enter

Instructions for Connect+ Series


  • Accepts single-digit zones, 1 through 8 only. Enter the single numeric digit, then select “This is a Zone”.
  • Alpha characters are not accepted
  • A space is not accepted
  • Type a 0 or 9 and your meter displays, Invalid Zone
  • Press the Clear button to remove the invalid character

Screen sequence:

  1. Select International Priority Mail
  2. Select Envelope or Package to Canada
    Note: previously stated as, 'Envelope or package'
    Now: 'Envelope or Package to Canada', OR, 'Envelope or Package to All Other Countries'
  3. The Data entry screen is displayed, requesting a ZIP or Zone
  4. Enter a single digit price zone (1 through 8)
  5. Press the button, This is a Zone
  6. Select Insurance or press OK