Parcel Sortation Solutions

Parcel Sortation Solutions by Pitney Bowes

Smart – Scalable – Sophisticated

Automated Parcel Sorting Solutions from Pitney Bowes are customized and ultra-flexible systems ideal for couriers and postal operations looking for solutions to cope with the rising tide of internet-driven parcels. Pitney Bowes offers an extensive range of integrated diversion systems that will fit your space, application and budget. Their flexible design enables clients to modify and expand the solutions to meet changing business needs.

  • Modular and flexible solutions that grow with your business
  • Automate manual tasks with speed and accuracy
  • Manual, semi, or fully automated parcel induction
  • In-line weighing and certified 3D measurement
  • Automated label print and apply
  • Wide array of outsort technologies
  • Intuitive Business Logic Processing Software

For more information, download our guide "Critical points to consider when making the move to parcel sortation."

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Grow at the speed of ecommerce: Automated Parcel Sorting Solutions