The SendPro Analytics Dashboard

The SendPro Analytics dashboard has several areas designed to show you performance metrics and spending trends across the enterprise at a glance.
Products affected: SendPro® Analytics

The SendPro Analytics dashboard has several areas designed to show you performance metrics and spending trends across the enterprise at a glance.
This video provides a brief tour of the dashboard. 







Global Filters that run across various product sections. These filters define the data that would show up on the analytics, reports and recommendations. Use the filter icon to hide the filter area when you've made the selections you want.


Key Performance Metrics. These KPIs provide a quick global view of your enterprise based on the selections in the global filter.


Analytics. The chart and the analytics given below provides a detailed trend and high level metrics of the spend or piece count based on your filters. Hover over the bars for highlights.


Graphic reports. Your view of the analytics (3) is complemented by the visual depiction of the given metrics by location so you can quickly examine the hot spots. Hover over the bubbles for highlights, and click for a detailed location snapshot.

UPDATED: July 18, 2023