Importing recipients into SendSuite Tracking Online

You can import recipients into SendSuite Tracking Online from a list in CSV format manually as needed, or schedule automatic recurring imports. A template is provided to assist you in formatting your list correctly for a successful import.
Products affected: SendSuiteĀ® Tracking Online
You can import recipients into SendSuite Tracking Online from a list in CSV format manually as needed, or schedule automatic recurring imports. A template is provided to assist you in formatting your list correctly for a successful import.

Features availability varies by subscription level. If you have any questions regarding your subscription level, please contact your administrator.

Manual Import

  1. Select the gear icon in the upper right.
  2. Select Contacts - Recipients & Senders.
  3. Select Import list.
  4. On the Manual Import tab, select the Download File button to download a template that you can fill in with your addresses.
  5. Open the template file SSTOcontacts_en.csv and enter your recipients in the columns provided, according to the Import File Requirements below.
  6. When finished, save and close the file.
  7. Back in SendSuite Tracking Online, on the Manual Import tab, select the Browse button, locate and select your file, and select Open.
  8. Select how to import your recipients:
    • Replace all current recipients with the recipients in the CSV file
    • Update and add to your current recipients
  9. Select Start Import.

Automatic Importing

Important notes

  • The S/FTP server whitelist must allow inbound connections from *
  • Automatic imports will replace all current recipients. You cannot undo this action.

To configure automatic importing

  1. Select the gear icon in the upper right.
  2. Select Contacts - Recipients & Senders.
  3. Select Import list.
  4. Select the Automatic Import tab.
  5. (Optional) Select Download Template to download a template that you can fill in with your addresses.
  6. Select the delimiter used in your import file.
  7. In the File Access section, complete the following fields:
    • File path, including file name: Select FTP or SFTP from the menu, then enter the complete server address, including the file name.
    • SFTP User Name: Enter the username that SendSuite Tracking Online will use to access the server.
    • SFTP Password: Enter the password for the user account.
  8. (Optional) Click Test Access to confirm that the Pitney Bowes server can access the S/FTP site and locate the file.
  9. In the Import Schedule section, complete the following fields:
    • Repeats On: Select the days on which SendSuite Tracking Online will import the file.
    • Time: Select the time at which SendSuite Tracking Online will import the file.
  10. (Optional) Click Import Now to execute a one-time on-demand file import.

Import File Requirements

  • Include a unique name for each recipient. Duplicates are not permitted.
  • The first line of the CSV file is reserved for column headings. If the headings are omitted, the first contact will be missed.
  • The import supports Unicode and ASCII formats.
  • The columns must be in the same order as the template:
    First Name,Middle Name,Last Name,Email Address
  • If Locations are turned on, the field order is:
    First Name,Middle Name,Last Name,Email Address,Building,Floor,Office
  • If using your own file instead of the template, a text delimiter must be present to preserve the columns even if there is no data in the column. For example, if there is no middle name or building, the comma-delimited record would look like this:
Note: The Middle Name field is present in the template for all countries.

UPDATED: April 13, 2022