Resolve "Error whilst downloading label from GCS" with PB Shipping API in SendSuite Live

Learn how to resolve the error "Error whilst downloading label from GCS. Exception: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send." when shipping with the with PB Shipping API in SendSuite Live.
Products affected: SendSuite® Live


When shipping with the with PB Shipping API in SendSuite® Live, the following error is displayed:
Error whilst downloading label from GCS. Exception: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.


The network, antivirus software, or firewall is blocking the download of the PB Shipping API label.


The PB Shipping API requires certain addresses to be accessible from the server or computer that has the full installation of SendSuite Live.
  1. Ensure that the following addresses are not being blocked by your network, antivirus software, or firewall. Consult your IT department if needed.
  • Live:
  • Live:
  • Test:
  • Test:      
  1. Ensure that the computer is allowed to download labels and manifest documents from the above addresses in both PDF and Zebra formats.
If the issue is not resolved, contact software support.

UPDATED: June 02, 2021