Delivering packages with a SendSuite Tracking Online Tracking Assistant

Learn how to deliver packages with a SendSuite Tracking Online Tracking Assistant.
Products affected: SendSuite® Tracking Online
You can use a SendSuite Tracking Online Tracking Assistant to deliver single or multiple packages, or to deliver packages from the manifest.

Features availability varies by subscription level. If you have any questions regarding your subscription level, please contact your administrator.

Deliver a single package

  1. From the SendSuite Tracking Online Home screen on the Tracking Assistant, select Deliver.
  2. If a notification message appears, read it, then select GOT IT.
  3. Tap SINGLE.
  4. To enter the barcode, either:
    • Scan the carrier barcode, or
    • Tap the field and enter the tracking number, or
    • Tap the + next to the Tracking Number field to generate a tracking number.
    If Package Not Found is displayed (which happens when + is used to generate a tracking number), choose Clear to reenter the tracking number, or Add Package to accept the tracking number as entered. If Receive During Deliver is enabled and the package has not yet been received, tap ADD PACKAGE to create a received record for the package.
  5. Add or edit any information in the form, as needed.
  6. The default status for a new delivery is Delivered. To change the status, tap the Status field.
  7. To change the recipient, tap Delivered To.
  8. (Optional) To add photos:
    1. Tap the camera icon in the upper right to activate the camera.
    2. Aim the camera, then tap the camera icon in the bottom center of the screen to capture the image.
    3. To delete an image, tap it, then tap the garbage can icon in the upper right. Use the navigation arrows in the upper right to browse images.
    4. To add more images (limit 5), tap the camera icon in the upper right and repeat.
    5. Once all photos have been taken, tap DONE.
    6. Tap the back arrow (pointing left) in the upper left to return to the receiving screen. The camera icon in the upper right will now show the number of images that will be saved with the package record.
  9. To capture a signature, tap SIGN or the Pen icon in the upper right and have the recipient sign in the box. Tap CLEAR SIGNATURE to clear the signature box and have the signee sign again. Tap Save once an acceptable signature has been captured.
  10. Tap DONE to return to the Home screen.

Deliver multiple packages to the same recipient

  1. From the Home screen on the Tracking Assistant, select Deliver.
  2. If a notification message appears, read it, then select GOT IT.
  3. Select 1 OR MORE.
  4. For each item to be delivered to a single recipient, scan the tracking number. If Package Not Found is displayed, choose Clear to reenter the tracking number, or Add Package to accept the tracking number as entered.
  5. Once the final package for the group has been saved, select DELIVER TO.
  6. The default status for new deliveries is Delivered. To change the status for all packages in the group, tap the Status field.
  7. Select the Deliver To field to open a search box, then enter the recipient’s name. Once the recipient is located, select the name to proceed.
    • To add a new recipient while in the recipient search, select ADD and complete the form. The newly-created recipient will be assigned to all items in the group delivery.
  8. Save the transaction:
    • To save the group delivery with a signature, select SIGN, then have the recipient sign with his or her finger.
    • To save the group delivery without a signature, select SAVE WITHOUT SIGNATURE.
  9. At the confirmation prompt, select Save.

Deliver packages from the manifest

  1. From the SendSuite Tracking Online home screen on the Tracking Assistant, select Deliver.
  2. If a notification message appears, read it, then select GOT IT.
  3. Tap MANIFEST.
  4. If necessary, tap the Filter icon to adjust the manifest filtering and sorting options.
  5. To enter the barcode, either:
    • Scan the carrier barcode. Packages found in the manifest will automatically be selected.
    • Tap the Search field and enter the tracking number, then tap the box to mark the package for delivery.
  6. Once all desired packages are marked for delivery, tap DELIVER TO.
  7. The default status for a new delivery is Delivered. To change the status, tap the Status field.
  8. To select the recipient, tap Delivered To.
  9. To capture a signature, tap SIGN or the Pen icon in the upper right and have the recipient sign in the box. Tap CLEAR SIGNATURE to clear the signature box and have the signee sign again. Tap Save once an acceptable signature has been captured.
  10. To complete the delivery without capturing a signature, tap SAVE WITHOUT SIGNATURE.
  11. Repeat for all packages to be delivered.
  12. Tap the left arrow icon in the upper left to return to the Home screen.

UPDATED: April 13, 2022