Editing Locations in SendSuite Tracking Online

Learn how to edit Locations in SendSuite Tracking Online.
Products affected: SendSuite® Tracking Online

Features availability varies by subscription level. If you have any questions regarding your subscription level, please contact your administrator.

Only users with an Admin role can perform this procedure.

  1. Select the gear icon in the upper right.
  2. Select Locations.
  3. Select Edit Location List.
  4. Place your mouse cursor over the desired location and select the Edit (pencil) icon.
  5. Make the desired changes and select the check mark icon to save, or select the X icon to cancel changes and exit edit mode.
  6. To delete a location, place your mouse cursor over the desired location and select the Delete (trash can) icon.
  7. When prompted to confirm that you wish to delete the location, select Delete Location. This cannot be undone.

UPDATED: February 28, 2022