Resolve batch tracking completes but does not update delivery statuses in SendSuite Live

Learn how to resolve when batch tracking completes but does not update delivery statuses in SendSuite Live.
Products affected: SendSuite® Live


The Batch Tracking and Batch Processor scheduled tasks complete without error, but no package statuses are updated.


There are several possible reasons it may fail to update the package statuses:
  • Communication issues with the Pierbridge tracking website
  • One of the tasks may not be completing correctly
  • There could be a data-related issue


Follow these steps to confirm that the Pierbridge tracking website is working. This is where batch tracking gets its status information from:
  1. Load any View project.
  2. Select Search.
  3. Select any package.
  4. Under Packages within Shipment, select a package.
  5. On the right side, select the Track Package button.
  • If the page returns a "404 page can not be found" error, contact Pitney Bowes software support.
  • If the page loads tracking information, confirm that the task is scheduled and running:
  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Select SendSuite Live Shipping Administrator.
  3. Sign in.
  4. Select the Shipment Server Configuration tab.
  5. Select Server.
  6. Select Scheduler.
  7. Ensure Batch Processor and Batch Tracking are enabled. 
  8. Select Batch Tracking and select run.
  9. Refresh the page until you see the Last Run time stamp reflect the current time.
  10. Then select Batch Processor and select run.
  11. Refresh the page until you see the Last Run time stamp reflect the current time.
If the package status is still not updating, contact Pitney Bowes software support.

UPDATED: August 14, 2021