Bulk Proof Of Delivery download failure in SendSuite Live

Learn how to resolve when the SendSuite Live Bulk Proof Of Delivery download task fails to retrieve the proof of delivery files from the USPS FTP site.
Products affected: SendSuite® Live


Running the bulk proof of delivery (BPOD) download task does not retrieve proof of delivery files from the USPS FTP site.

In diagnostics, the task shows as complete without error, but shows the following activity:
Starting Manual Load from 'D:\SendSuite Live\Shipment Server\Task Container\Manual Load'
Finished Manual Load
Starting Delivery Confirmation Download
Finished Delivery Confirmation Download


The BPOD password is incorrect.


  1. Open the SendSuite Live Shipping Administrator page.
  2. Select Carrier > Accounts > USPS > ERR account > Electronic Certified > BPOD Password.
  3. Change the password to the correct password and select Save.
  4. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\SendSuite Live\Shipment Server\Task Container\Failed\. This folder contains the previously downloaded files.
  5. Move the previously downloaded files from this folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\SendSuite Live\Shipment Server\Task Container\Manual\.
  6. Rename so that its name is in the following format: dmailerID.originalname(date).pdf. For example, d969011200.pod0620110001.pdf.
    Note that manually loaded files should start with 'd' followed by the MailerID and then have the original '.pod' file name in the remainder of the name. If this format is not included, the file will be ignored when you run the BPOD Extract SendSuite Live task.
  7. Run the BPOD Extract SendSuite Live task again.

UPDATED: May 01, 2023