Shipping as Strategy

How Small and Midsize Retailers Can Best Meet Customers’ Delivery Expectations in the Age of Amazon


How can a retailer create the most economic and efficient shipping strategy in the era of Amazon?

The “Amazonification” of customer shipping expectations means small and mid-size merchants, who lack the negotiating clout of larger companies, are being squeezed by the costs of shipping.

To learn how a shipping strategy can reduce your headaches and save you money, read Shipping as Strategy: How Small and Midsize Retailers Can Best Meet Customers’ Delivery Expectations in the Age of Amazon, a Forbes Insights report in association with Pitney Bowes.

Key takeaways include:

  • How creating a multi-carrier shipping strategy can save retailers money while still meeting customer’s shipping expectations. 
  • Why adding the USPS to your shipping mix provides additional reach and reduces shipping expenses, all while delivering a better customer experience. 
  • How identifying the right shipping partner can provide service guarantees, easy access to USPS rates and services, and favorable pricing and payment terms. 
  • How to manage peak shipping season effectively and efficiently.

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