"SendPro.exe - Entry Point Not Found" when opening the SendPro Online software in Windows

Learn how to resolve the error "SendPro.exe - Entry Point Not Found" in SendPro Online.
Products affected: SendPro® Online


The "SendPro.exe - Entry Point Not Found" appears when you open the SendPro Online software in Windows.


"SendPro.exe - Entry Point Not Found" appears when opening the SendPro Online software due to having an old version.


Uninstall and reinstall the latest version of the SendPro Online software for Windows.

  1. Right-Click on your Windows start button and choose Control Panel.
  2. Click the View by drop down and select Small Icons.
  3. Open Programs and Features.
  4. Select SendPro version x.x.x.xxx.
  5. Click Uninstall.
  6. Click Yes.
  7. Click OK.
  8. If there are multiple copies, uninstall each copy.
  9. Install the latest version of the SendPro Only software for Windows.

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UPDATED: June 21, 2023